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PopUnder as a media advertising format

Let’s figure out what it is?

PopUnder – A type of advertisement presented as a pop-up banner that opens your landing page below the user’s active windows.

Popunder advertising has undeniable advantages over other formats:

  • The user is guaranteed to go to the advertiser’s site;
  • Advertisements do not spoil the design of the site;
  • Costs less than other formats, as payment is mostly on the PPI (Pay Per Impression) model. Note that in this format, the number of impressions equals the number of clicks, because each user goes to the target site;
  • Attracts a large amount of traffic.
  • Shows a unique visitor only once a day, which does not drain money when a user repeatedly goes to the same site
  • Wide audience reach.

But as with any other advertising format, PopUnder has its own peculiarities:

Table of context

Data analysis

You should always analyze data in depth. Start a common thread and analyze data by country, device, connection type, OS, browser, etc.

Be aware of the time range. It’s important to analyze exactly what times users make the most conversions. That way you can keep costs to a minimum.

For analytics, you can use Yandex.Metrika. Metrika is a free Internet service from Yandex designed to measure website traffic, and analyze user behavior. You install a Metrika counter code on the site, and then it counts each visit and collects data about it.

Metrics collects information about the devices used by people visiting the site. You’ll know which browsers visitors use most often to browse its site, whether they mostly use desktop PCs and laptops or mobile gadgets. You can see how long visitors have been on the web pages, estimate the depth of their browsing on each page, and use that data to compile blacklists and whitelists.

Working with black and white lists

A blacklist is a list where you put low-quality advertising sites.
White list is formed in the same way as the black list, but it is necessary to select in it the sites, which in the test period gave income, exceeding the cost of clicks.

It’s important to remember that there are a huge number of sites in the advertising network from where you buy traffic. It’s hard to know which sites are getting results, and which ones should be removed to the blacklist if you got 5-10 impressions from each site.

The more data you have on impressions, the easier it will be to determine the quality of a particular site. If a site is getting a lot of traffic but not getting any conversions, you should add it to the blacklist. If the site brings conversions, then do a separate campaign with the white list.

The white list will fill up more and more in the process and numerous tests and over time you will start to find the most profitable sites for you.

But don’t forget about the blacklist and overall traffic flow. It is impossible to test all the sites available on the network. In addition, there is a constant addition/removal and so on.

The use of a tracker will be indispensable in making black and white lists.
Keitaro is a tracker with huge functionality. It helps to optimize advertising campaigns with a flexible traffic analytics system, tracks the effectiveness of traffic attraction channels.

Sign up in our affiliate network and in the section “Partners” you can get a discount coupon to pay for this tracker.

Testing Offers and Landings

Test different versions of creatives. Change colors, images. Connect plugins that can interest the user.

In order for your Popunder not to be closed immediately, it should “catch the eye” with its visuals and unique offers (promotions, novelties, discounts, promoted brands and products).

Any advertising format requires thorough analysis and sufficient initial information. Get the most out of your traffic with the latest tracking technology!

List of networks to buy Popunder traffic: – Since 2013 works with all types of traffic and many GEOs – one of the oldest advertising exchanges in the CIS. – A lot of CIS traffic. – tons of clicker and popunder traffic – Large network, lots of adalt, entertainment traffic – A large amount of quality traffic. – One of the leaders for monetizing adult traffic. – Implemented pay-per-performance functionality (Kadam Smart Ads). – Quality CIS traffic. – large amount of adalt traffic. – one of the largest advertising networks in the world. – A large advertising network, in operation since 2012. – An international network with quality traffic. – A large advertising network with many advertising formats. – The world’s largest advertising network. – One of the best teaser networks in runet. – A huge amount of traffic, but some of the targeting functionality is paid. – A powerful advertising network from Sweden, Over 1 billion unique users per month. – European advertising network, over 15 billion impressions per month.

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