Now a lot of people have started to actively promote their Telegram channels – most adequate people are already fed up with this spammy Vkontakte and perfectly lined Instagram (okay at least half of the people there really lived luxuriously).

Telegram initially doesn’t even involve statistics in the channel, nor delayed posting, nor polls. But thanks to a lot of developer interest now, the simplest and most basic bots are already popping up gradually. Perhaps, while you are reading this article, there is already a built-in autoposting, statistics or something else useful))
Many bots are free or have a formal subscription fee, usually it’s even just a donation format – thanks to the authors for developing them.
To create your first bot, you have to first decide on your task and goals. It could be:
– Simple autoposting, i.e. a bot that will post pending posts for your channel;
– Posting from RSS feeds and social networks (by the way, not necessarily your site! a genius thing, for example, to monitor your competitors);
– Something in the format of a calculator or cost calculator, such as real estate or lending;
– chatbot (online support for an online store);
– Even a mini-site with buttons and feedback;
– Gamification, quest, or whatever you want to warm up your CA.
Fantasy is almost unlimited, as a rule, people prepare chat-bots, i.e. a person can take a survey \quiz \chain of letters and then already “buy”. The bot’s name should always end in bot, e.g. @Statistika_bot (by the way, here’s a free statistics bot for your channel!).
You can make some questionnaires for new hires, for example. Or make a full-fledged brief for customers and implement it in the bot. The disadvantages so far include the lack of design solutions and background design …
To create your first bot you need:
- Open the free @BotFather builder
It’s easy to find in a Telegram search

Don’t be intimidated by the fact that there are so many items! All you have to do is select /newbot to create a new bot and choose a name for your bot right away. By the way, the name and address of the bot can be different, but I would recommend choosing the same.
Next, the “father of bots” will send us a message with an HTTP API token that we need to copy.

2. Open free other constructor @Manybot
There are about 5 – 7 such designers at the moment (about half of them are free), but Manibot is the one that I found convenient for beginners.
Choose “create a new bot”.

And paste there our previously copied HTTP API from @BotFather. There are various settings there, you can do a mailing to bot subscribers (when they will be accordingly), change language, etc. We don’t need those items yet, but we can return to them at any time. With @BotFather and @ManyBot, you can create as many bots as you want, and they will all be on your Telegram account, which is tied to the sim. I.e. it is NOT a separate account and you do NOT need, for example, to find \buy a sim card to register a new telegram account, as in Insta.
By the way, there are pretty simple and easy to follow instructions, with short YouTube tutorials for each point.

Success! Now our bot is created, connected to API (I don’t know what this gadget is for, it just needs to be) and you can find it in Telegram search – just enter bot’s name or address.
3. Go to the new bot we created and already make adjustments within it
I’ll show you how to create menu buttons using an example of a bot we’ve already made that can pick up Swiss watches from your instagram account itself!

Choose “create command” to create these gray buttons and just follow the instructions. You can create as many of these buttons as you want, and also place a smiley face next to the button (of course this is not always the best design solution, but still there).
These buttons can lead:
– to sections of the site, social networks;
– immediately to the form of downloading excel or pdf document, such as price list;
– output to previously uploaded photo album (by the way, photos are not much reduced in quality when uploading!) or even video clip (better to optimize from YouTube);
– it can be a chain of letters, questions with variants of answers, or even free-form answers;
– a contact blog, where you can send the user your phone number, post, website, driving directions (and with geotags, that’s easy!), or other information in a reply message;
– any other option, up to and including accepting payments! (but this already requires the intervention of a specialist, a Python programmer) or audio recordings.
Each command should be given a name in Latin (for the developer) and later a name in any language, let’s say in Russian (respectively for bot subscribers).

In this example, buttons are created and you can select the country of the watch manufacturer from the list, select the budget limits, specify the approximate term of the future purchase, go to instagram with the watch and leave contacts to call (this is certainly not the best idea, because people use messengers to the contrary, not to call or email, etc.).
You could also use @Manybot to develop a bot that prepares pending postings for the channel/channels. But you still need to put such bot as an administrator in the channel.
It looks like this

You can create a post, see pending posts, edit the time, or look at the stats with a viewer (there’s another free autoposting for you!).
Telegram is developing very fast, it’s quite convenient, and already some people are gradually moving there. You can make money by developing similar or more sophisticated bots. Or supplement your business, for example, any social network with a chat or bot, with different functionality. Or create an entertainment/utility channel, promote it and make money from advertising (but that’s a topic for a separate article).
Thank you for your attention, I hope you found this material useful!