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Forbidden types of traffic | CPA.RU

There is nothing more important to an arbitrator than the quality of the traffic brought in.

If instead of payments you receive only refusals, conversion has fallen below the plinth, and the affiliate with whom you cooperate decides that the affiliate is using prohibited techniques, this article is for you:

It’s quite possible that you’ve joined the dark side and are using “black” or “gray” traffic.

Table of context

When prohibited types of traffic are used

If you don’t want to make the effort and investment, then banned types of traffic are for you. But be warned that this is a dishonest way of earning money, in which the affiliate imitates the activity of real users in every way.

Types of banned “black” traffic

“Gray” traffic is allowed in certain campaigns by agreement with the advertiser, as opposed to “black” traffic, which is banned everywhere.

So we’re going to talk about banned, different kinds of forage and motivated traffic, so that if you do sin, you know exactly all the nuances.


Freud is a fraudulent action on the part of an arbitrator who passes off low-quality traffic as original and wants to get paid for it. Example of fraud: the advertiser expects a large number of leads, but receives fake activity.

Types of Freud:

Bots are attracted to offers that require recruitment or a lot of single-type and uncomplicated actions. They can register with a specified link, watch videos, download applications, make orders and return them, make bets or write comments. Depending on the complexity of the task there are distinguished:

– simple bots – perform a small script from a single server;

– smart bots – enter from different proxies, change IP and do more complex actions, such as placing orders or entering data;

– botnets – a network of computers that execute some algorithm en masse, but always do so in a template fashion;

– AI-based bots – can adjust to conditions and produce non-standard solutions.

Spoofing is a scam in which bots on the server or in the application code perform fake actions: installing programs, clicking buttons, entering data. This can simulate the actions of tens of thousands of users.

How SDK spoofing works:

– A user downloads an application and performs some action there.

– The SDK sends a message to the analytics form.

– Fraudster listens to server requests, analyzes them and sends fake requests to the server.

To detect spoofing, you need to monitor whether clicks are made simultaneously from different devices, how much time passes between showing the ad and taking the targeted action (if it is abnormally small, this is suspicious), what typical behavior users have and who falls out of the overall statistics, what conversion rate the offerer has.

  • Data Fraud

A type of traffic that only applies to the financial niche. The main purpose of the offers in this theme is to attract users who will take out a loan, a microloan or a bank card. Fraud on the part of the arbitrator is that he creates applications with stolen data, including passport data. Such leads will not make the target action, and therefore will not bring profit to the advertiser.

Motivated traffic.

Motivated traffic are users who take a targeted action for payment from the arbitrator. That is, such requests are not real and will not bring real income.

The scheme of fraud with motivated traffic looks like this:

  1. Arbitrator takes a job order from an advertiser, brings his performers there;
  2. Motivated users perform a targeted action for which the advertiser will pay the arbitrator: they deposit money on their account, click a banner, watch a video to the end, register in a game or pass a few levels there;
  3. The advertiser sees the activity, considers it in kind, and pays the arbitrator the agreed amount;
  4. The arbitrator pays the motivated users a percentage of the payment, they minimize the activity and the advertiser is left without leads.

Motivated traffic is used when the payout is based on the CPL/CPI model. Such recruitment is most often found in online gaming, datings, where payment comes for downloading an application, programs in which you need to register.

Types of low-quality “gray” traffic


Spam is any email sent without the recipient’s consent. Arbitrators can collect mail bases to send spam and pass off users who come as quality leads and get paid. Sometimes advertisers allow to bring traffic from spam, but it is important to stipulate in each individual case.

Spam is often used in entertainment, subscription, and gaming offers. Such traffic hurts reputation, creates a negative association with a company or product, and decreases loyalty.

Clickanders, popanders.

Popanders are a type of advertising that is displayed when a user clicks through to the site. Along with the page automatically opens a third-party landing page, and this opening counts as a visit, for which the arbitrator receives payment. But there are no benefits for the advertiser: the user is not targeted, he was not looking for the product offered, but a completely different service. The clicker has a similar principle, but in order for the site to open, the visitor has to click anywhere.

The disadvantages of such “gray” traffic are many: low conversion rates and low traffic quality. Also, such advertising is very annoying and prevents you from getting the information you want, so the sites with it do not last long. But there is a plus – low cost. Most often clickers and popanders are used for dating sites, weight-loss products, online casinos, potency products.

Why you shouldn’t bring in banned traffic

Forbidden types of traffic | CPA.RU

An arbitrageur who brings in low-quality traffic will be caught cheating 100% of the time. The advertiser will notice abnormally high CTR, sudden jumps in indicators, a lot of clicks from one IP or atypical user behavior on the website. As a result, the specialist will get either no payments or disconnection from the offer by the IP.

If you use the above methods, be assured:

  • The affiliate’s reputation will be ruined: the deceived advertiser will tell about the deception in the general reklov chat, and the offer will be impossible to find, or the affiliate will throw the specialist into eternal ban;
  • It will be impossible to scale: schemes will not be able to be promoted and increase profits due to it;
  • No access to the best offers: the arbitrator will have no practical experience of how to set up schemes that work, and the level of difficulty of cheating when dealing with really money-making cases is increasing every day.

If you’re looking for quality offers or need advice on launching, ARAY.COM’s personal managers can help you find the perfect offerer and geo for your product.

The affiliate has a free database of creatives, a convenient translation and layout system. Detailed statistics are available for each affiliate, and any problems can be solved by 24/7 support.

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