In the meantime, while Commodity continues to stagnate Russia is trying by all means to control the social environment, the blocked Telegram has long been in the top three popular messengers among Russian users. The first places are still taken by WhatsApp and Viber for some reason. Recall, on April 16, 2018 Telegram blocking began and couch analysts predicted the early collapse of the messenger, as well as presented statistics with the sagging of the audience. However, those who are interested in news outside of Vkontakte entertainment publishers are already aware that the blocking has increased interest and audience engagement, and some channels have seen the wildest growth of subscribers.
Some numbers and boring statistics:
Based on the statistics, even the “last” user – understands that this is an extremely pleasant source of traffic, because the hype around Telegram simply does not subside. Telegram has a lot of advantages over other sources: Great engagement, huge percentage of visibility, high coverage and lightning-fast message opening. But still, let’s move on to the question that worries everyone: how can I make money from Telegram during these difficult times for the Web? Very simple:
- You need to register with an affiliate. CPA.RU And choose a HYIP OFFER Vulkan Vegas For those who like to get easy money. The good thing is that the affiliate has a choice of offers and pick up the right one will not be a problem.
- The next point we have to monitor telegram exchangers, for this we will use the help of software and find the channels of the desired subject. In the search for channels will help categories, you just need to specify the right one and choose an adequate site. Choosing a category, do not get hung up on the theme of games or making money, the best way to go channels with entertainment content, men’s topics, sports, or video content. Naturally, it all depends on the approach and the creo, which you will use, because using, for example, a longread with the history of earnings or painted scheme to defraud the casino, the topic is better to choose a different, for example, the same “schemes of earnings. In search of sites, it is also possible to use the names, descriptions, links to channels. Look carefully at the number of daily posts and the number of hits, so as not to get on the channel, which posts only promotional entries. It remains to contact the administrator.
- Creative. You don’t have to be a highly educated engineer to come up with an advertising post. Using simple rules: a bright picture, a short and simple text, a solution to a “problem” in the advertisement, will help you put together the perfect creo. The main thing is not to get into the wilderness and not to make up too much stuff. And also let’s not rule out the possibility of finding a creo using a parser. Find the right creatives, we can simply enter a keyword that is used in the ad, using filters for the period and sorting ads, we get the desired result.
The bottom line is that once we have this information, our main task will be to transfer this knowledge to the bourgeois/former CIS – because there is less competition and much higher payouts. There will be a lot of analytics, communication with admins, difficulties in selecting a site, but the profit will be the traffic from Telegram. We have already found out that engagement, content perception and the speed of message opening unquestionably make Telegram a flagship in user interaction.
Try, experiment, get creative 🙂